All Districts/Municipalities will be Priority for Stunting Prevention in 2022

17 March 2021 | News

The National Strategy (Stranas) for stunting is a reference for all stakeholders in accelerating stunting prevention. The first pillar in the National Strategy is the commitment and vision of national and regional leadership in preventing stunting. One indicator of the success of this pillar implementation is a commitment signed by the regional leader in the program priority districts/municipalities.

There will be additional 154 priority districts/municipalities of the stunting prevention program in 2022. With this addition, all 514 districts/municipalities in Indonesia now are encouraged to commit in stunting prevention. The 2022 program priority areas stipulated in the Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of Bappenas Decree Kep.10/M.PPN/HK/02/2021 concerning the Determination of the Expansion of Districts/Municipalities Focusing in Integrated Stunting Reduction Intervention in 2022. The initial plan was for all districts/municipalities are targeted become priority in 2024, but apparently it can be accelerated to 2022.

All regents/mayors in priority districts/municipalities are encouraged to sign commitments as supports for the implementation of stunting prevention programs in their regions. As of March 2021, 360 regents/mayors have pledged to accelerate stunting prevention in their regions. The commitment of 100 priority districts/municipalities for 2021 was officially declared during the national stunting coordination meeting on 21-22 October 2020. Regional heads are committed to accelerate stunting prevention with several actions. These actions include mapping program activities and funding sources related to stunting at the village level; holding regional stunting meetings with all organizations, regional officials, sub-district heads, village heads and other parties; collecting and publishing stunting data and using the data as a basis for program improvement; formulating policies and implementing behavioral change campaigns and interpersonal communication; and increasing the role of villages in integrating the prevention of accelerated stunting.

All Districts/Municipalities will be Priority for Stunting Prevention in 2022
All Districts/Municipalities will be Priority for Stunting Prevention in 2022

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